Manila is abuzz with the milk tea craze. I don't really like going with the fad, so now I'm running quite late. I blame it all on my sister.
My sweet and thoughtful sister loves bringing us home food/drinks when she goes out. Lately, due to requests from my other sisters (I have 4!) Ditsi's been bring home a lot of milk teas. A lot as in our freezer as well as fridge is full of huge milk teas, much to my mother's chargrin. :D
My whole family is currently addicted to two milk teas: Meicha's milk froth (much like Happy Lemon's cheese & rock salt) and Gong Cha's Milk Wintermelon Tea. We're so addicted we race to the fridge every morning for that one leftover cup from last night's drinking round. I win most times by the way. :D
MEICHA MILK FROTH regular P80, large P90 |
I have tried the Happy Lemon rock salt & cheese blend before and didn't like it. I told my sis this when she was trying to entice me to try this milk froth. She taught me that I have to drink it bottoms up to be able to enjoy it. Thinking back, I did drink it with a straw after mixing the whole thing. Apparently, it's the wrong way to go.
So late one night, I tried the milk froth. OOOHH!!! I've been missing out!
I love the salty sweet taste the cheesy froth brings. I love it so much I even lick those that stick on the plastic lid. (I'm home when I do this, so don't judge me. :p)
GONG CHA MILK WINTERMELON TEA regular P80, large P90 |
Another milk tea we all love is Gong Cha's Milk Wintermelon Tea. Oh, I love drinking the wintermelon tea through the creamy layer. It doesn't have the salty twist but it's sweet in the Mr. Right way.
Of course, it's human nature to compare. But why this two? The owner of Meicha was first thinking of franchising Gong Cha but they require you to be able to open at least 5 branches the first year and that's a lot of risk for her. She then went to Singapore to study the art of making milk teas and opened Meicha, her own brand.
I totally support opening up your own brand rather than franchising an international brand. But I must say, Gong Cha still makes it better. Due to years of experience I suppose?
Taste-wise, I just can't decide. The deciding factor is that after drinking Gong Cha, I feel I can still drink yet another one because it's just so light in the tummy. It makes me feel like singing, "Mahaba-habang inuman... Gong Cha light!" Hihihi. Yeah, corny, I know! It's the advertising training! :D
126-C Speaker Perez St, Sta Mesa Heights
(right beside Starbucks Retiro)
Quezon City, Metro Manila
Gong Cha
2/F Il Terrazzo Mall
305 Tomas Morato cor. Scout Madrinan
South Triangle, Quezon City
(02) 376-9163